
In the News: What I learned when my living plans went South via The Daily Orange

A room assignment on South Campus may seem like the end of the world. But, The Daily Orange columnist, Haley Thompkins, writes that living on South Campus may be a blessing in disguise.

by Haley Thompkins

The following is an excerpt from an article published by The Daily Orange. To read the full story, visit

The biggest surprise that came with living on South Campus was the calm. I’ve learned to appreciate the quiet and beauty on South, as well as Syracuse in general and learned independence along the way.

My roommate and I shared our own kitchen, bathroom and living room, and each had our own bedrooms. At the end of the busy days we’ve had, it’s been a blessing to have our own space to decompress. But our apartment is our little oasis from the outside world. We became best friends and truly became each other’s family. By living on the bottom unit, we also had easy access to the outside which has come in handy with the recent gorgeous weather. Our space has become entirely ours. It’s our home.

Given the structure of South Campus, — with the majority of residents living in two or three person apartments instead of thirty people to a floor — I knew I could be losing the sense of community I loved freshman year. But, South forced me to connect with the people around me in ways I never expected.