Room Changes

Room Changes

If a student is interested in changing rooms, they are able to request to be moved when the process opens in October.

We encourage all students to first connect with their Residence Director (RD) prior to making a decision about moving. The directory information of your building’s staff can be found on the Office of Student Living website. RD’s can be helpful in guiding students to mediate a situation before a move may be needed.

We always remind students moving doesn’t solve all problems. If the student does decide they want to move, they should submit an application to do so.

  • Students complete an online request to be considered for a room relocation, found on the Office of Student Living website at room relocation request.

Please note, that there is no guarantee that a move will occur. Moves can only happen within appropriate vacant spaces, as available.

The above information is only for room change requests after the start of the term. For students looking to change their room selection assignment, please click here.